Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dragon ball Hf

              Dragon Ball Hf was made by Me. I created it beacuse I was Bored beacuse nothing besides dragon ball af was Comeing that was Dragon ball and Dragon  ball Af is a comic book so a thought I should make my Own.
              So the story of Dragon ball Hf starts out like this. Goko and Klen (goten's kids) are doing a practice match when Goku comes and gives goko's team a mission. The team of Goko, Klen , and Goku Jr. do the mission. when they get done Goku decides to apiont Goko the leader of the Z fighters 2 (the second team of Z foghters) Goko says Yes and then goku makes Neko Majin a leader but as a lower class. Then the Frost saga starts.

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